8 min read

On Getting Started with Go

Installing Go

First, Install Go from the official docs.

Next, change into the downloads directory and execute the following commands:

$ sudo tar xvf go1.19.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local
$ go version
go version go1.19 linux/amd64

Go Environment Variables

List all information about the Go environment:

$ go env

Here are the usual suspects I put in my .bash_env, which is sourced from my .bashrc:

export GOARCH=amd64
export GOOS=linux
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export GOBIN="$GOPATH/bin"
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go

If the GOPATH environment variable is unset, it defaults to a directory named go in the user’s home directory. Also, from what I’ve seen, is that GOROOT, which contains the compiler and source code, is automatically set by the tooling and only needed if the Go installation is not installed in the default /usr/local/go location.

Technically, neither GOPATH nor GOROOT need to be included with the other Go environment variables in the snippet above.

Enabling Dependency Tracking

Create a go.mod file which will track all of the module’s dependencies. This file is created by running the following command:

go mod init [module-path]

module-path is the name of the new module. Typically, it is a path to a reachable public location, such as github.com/btoll/stymie-go. This is because the go tooling will need to be able to access it when it’s used in another project.

For example:

$ go mod init github.com/btoll/foo
go: creating new go.mod: module github.com/btoll/foo
go: to add module requirements and sums:
        go mod tidy

go.mod defines the new module and will track all of the modules that contain the packages on which the new module depends. The go.mod should be versioned along with the rest of the module code.

Managing Dependencies

Adding Dependencies

Let’s say there is the following code (taken from Go’s getting started tutorial):


package main

import (


func main() {

There are several ways to add dependencies to a module:

  • go get [package-name][@version]

    $ go get rsc.io/quote
    go: added golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c
    go: added rsc.io/quote v1.5.2
    go: added rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0

    This will add the dependency as a line in go.mod:

    require rsc.io/quote v1.5.2

    To add a specific version of a dependency:

    $ go get rsc.io/quote@1.5.2
    $ go get rsc.io/quote@latest

    Or, to add a specific commit or branch name:

    $ go get rsc.io/quote@4cf76c2
    $ go get rsc.io/quote@bugfixes
  • go get tidy

    • This will download module dependencies to GOPATH/pkg/mod and record their versions in your go.mod file.

    • Also, it removes requirements on modules that aren’t used anymore.

      $ go mod tidy
      go: finding module for package rsc.io/quote
      go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2
      go: found rsc.io/quote in rsc.io/quote v1.5.2
      go: downloading rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0
      go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c
  • go get .

    $ go get .
    go: downloading rsc.io/quote v1.5.2
    go: downloading rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0
    go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c
    go: added golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c
    go: added rsc.io/quote v1.5.2
    go: added rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0

Each command will:

  1. Add go.mod and a go.sum if not present or update them if they are.
    • go.mod (from the docs):
      • Describes the module, including its module path (in effect, its name) and its dependencies … Though you can edit the go.mod file, you’ll find it more reliable to make changes through go commands.
    • go.sum (from the docs):
      • Contains cryptographic hashes that represent the module’s dependencies. Go tools use these hashes to authenticate downloaded modules, attempting to confirm that the downloaded module is authentic. Where this confirmation fails, Go will display a security error.
  2. Add a require directive(s) to go.mod for all direct dependencies and their indirect dependencies.
  3. If needed, downloads module source code (can download from a module proxy).
  4. Authenticates the downloaded deps.
$ go run main.go
main.go:5:8: no required module provides package rsc.io/quote; to add it:
        go get rsc.io/quote
$ cat go.mod
module github.com/btoll/foo

go 1.19

require rsc.io/quote v1.5.2

require (
        golang.org/x/text v0.0.0-20170915032832-14c0d48ead0c // indirect
        rsc.io/sampler v1.3.0 // indirect

Removing Dependencies

$ go get rsc.io/quote@none

Listing Dependencies

List all packages of the module:

$ go list all

List all modules instead of packages, along with the latest version available for each:

$ go list -m -u all

Managing Binaries

Creating Binaries

Build and install binary in GOBIN:

$ go install example/user/hello
$ go install . (Defaults to package within cwd.)
$ go install   (Defaults to package within cwd.)

If GOBIN is set, binaries are installed to that directory. If GOPATH is set, binaries are installed to the bin subdirectory of the first directory in the GOPATH list. Otherwise, binaries are installed to the bin subdirectory of the default GOPATH ($HOME/go or %USERPROFILE%\go).

This won’t produce an output file. Instead, it saves the compiled package in the local build cache (GOCACHE).

$ go build

Managing Caches

Removing Caches

Remove the build cache:

$ go clean -cache

Remove the downloaded module cache:

$ go clean -modcache

You can find the cache locations in the Go environment information:

$ go env | ag cache


If you do not add a license to your repository, the Go package repository will not be able to display your documentation.

$ go mod tidy
$ git tag v0.1.0
$ git push origin v0.1.0
$ GOPROXY=proxy.golang.org go list -m github.com/btoll/trivial@v0.1.0

To read more about publishing, read the docs.

You can search for packages at the Go package repository.

Viewing Documentation

To get the godoc package and install it:

$ go get golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc
$ go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc

You’ll then see the godoc binary in $GOPATH/bin.

$ godoc --help

It’s possible to load docs locally via a builtin web server, which will also include your own types. For example, go to the root directory of your package and run:

$ godoc -http :3030
using module mode; GOMOD=/home/btoll/projects/trivial/go.mod

The default port is 6060, so if that’s acceptable, you can just run godoc by itself.

You’ll then see your package listed under the “Third party” header.

Optionally, browse to the package:


To include the Playground, use the -play switch:

$ godoc -play

Vim Plugin

You’re going to want to use vim-go. Here is how to install using vim-plug:

  1. Add the following to .vimrc:

    • Plug ‘fatih/vim-go’, { ‘do’: ‘:GoUpdateBinaries’ }
      • This will update the binaries every time Vim is opened.
  2. In .vimrc (or any file loaded into Vim), run the following editor commands in order:

    • :PlugUpdate
      • Install or update plugins.
    • :GoInstallBinaries
      • This will go install all of the vim-go required dependencies.
      • From the docs (:help :GoInstallBinaries): “Download and install all necessary Go tool binaries such as godef, goimports, gopls, etc. under ‘g:go_bin_path’. If [binaries] is supplied, then only the specified binaries will be installed. The default is to install everything.”
      • Will install the binaries in the first defined location from the following short list:
        • g:go_bin_path
        • go env GOBIN or $GOPATH/bin


When developing a package, it’s quite often that you’ll use go run to test the binary. If you get undefined errors, make sure that you’ll referencing all of the .go files that the binary will need. Recall that you need to specify every file for go run.

If you’re getting a circular dependency error when compiling, make sure that every package is within its own directory.

For example, here is the directory structure of my github-release utility that contains three packages: main, cmd and release:

$ tree github-release/
├── cmd
│   ├── create.go
│   ├── delete.go
│   ├── get.go
│   ├── list.go
│   └── root.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── README.md
└── release
    └── release.go

This structure will compile. However, if the release.go script was not in its own directory but instead at the root of the project (so, the same level as main.go), it’d could result in a circular dependency error (it also would depend on how your imports were defined).

At the very least, you’ll get something like this:

$ go install .
found packages main (main.go) and release (release.go) in /home/btoll/projects/github-release
cmd/create.go:7:2: no required module provides package github.com/btoll/github-release/release; to add it:
        go get github.com/btoll/github-release/release


init function

Everybody knows that the main function is the first function that is run in the main package. However, there is a function that is run before the main function, if defined.

This is the niladic init function, and you can define one in every file. They will all get run before the main function in the main package.

You can read more about the init function in the Go docs.

Embedding Static Files

Since Go 1.16, it’s been possible to embed static files, whether one or many, into the binary. This is a great addition to the language, and it solves the problem of trying to deploy these static files alongside the generated binary.

Here is an example of embedding a directory of html template files in an executable (excerpted from my trivial package):

import (

//go:embed templates/*.gohtml
var templateFiles embed.FS

func NewSocketServer(uri URI) *SocketServer {
	fmt.Printf("created new websocket server `%s`\n", uri)
	return &SocketServer{
		Location: uri,
		Games:    make(map[string]*Game),
		Tpl: template.Must(template.ParseFS(templateFiles, "templates/*.gohtml")),

