2 min read

On Fortunes Won and Lost

Now that I have you here after tricking you with a gimmicky title, let’s discuss something super-fun: the Unix fortune program. This is a beauty of a program that I use to greet me every time I login or open a new terminal. It makes me feel like I can keep going, if just for one more day.

Here are the bits from my .bashrc:

# If a fortune program is installed.
if which fortune > /dev/null
    if which cowsay > /dev/null
        # Pipe to cowsay for even more laughs.
        fortune -e | cowsay -W 60 -f stegosaurus

Here is a list of the installed fortune programs I have on my machine (does not print a fortune):

$ fortune -f
100.00% /usr/share/games/fortunes
    36.13% fortunes
    14.92% chalkboard
     5.70% starwars
    10.56% calvin
    10.73% riddles
    21.96% literature

Consider all fortune files equal, regardless of size, and print a fortune:

$ fortune -e

How does one acquire and create these fortune databases? That’s a great question, friend!

One can comb through the Internets, hunched over a keyboard and sweaty, or one can simply download them from my GitHub fortune repo.

Then, follow these two simple steps.

  1. Create a fortune database:

     $ strfile -c % calvin calvin.dat
  2. Install the files:

     $ sudo cp calvin* /usr/share/game/fortune

That’s it! Have a nice espresso beverage and celebrate!

For even more “cows”:

$ ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows

To choose one of those cowfiles when printing a fortune, use the -f flag for cowsay:

$ fortune -e | cowsay -W 60 -f pony


Don’t forget to have fun! Learning is the spice of life!


/ Han Solo:                                       \
|                                                 |
| Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting |
|                                                 |
\ crops, boy.                                     /
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